Get Started in CGScholar

1. Create an account here.

2. Next, set up a community for each of your learning communities or classes (or, for that matter, a group within your class, or all your classes in one community). Go to "Your Communities" and select the "Create a Community" on the right side of the dark blue bar. Then tell your students to create accounts and search for the community

3. Make your first post: an idea to discuss, a recorded video, something to read. Or ask the community members to post content.

It's this easy, and it is free!

CGScholar's underlying learning principles and unique features include:

  • Collaborative engagement
  • Peer-to-peer feedback
  • Mastery Learning
  • Multimodal knowledge creation
  • Assess-as-you go big data learning analytics

And we're going to make a bold claim:

CGScholar is the most advanced learning management system available today.

...based on a decade of research and development by a team of world-leading team of educational researchers and computer scientists.

Learn More: